Vladi Gleba

I create things for the internet.

Using @font-face With Ruby on Rails

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When I was working on Phindee, I struggled with adding custom fonts; the asset pipeline had just been released, and it changed how one worked with assets. Perhaps there are others out there struggling with the same thing, which is why I’d like to share what I did and hopefully save some time for a few.

I’ll be using Font Squirrel to generate the necessary font files, but there are other alternatives out there like Google Fonts and Typekit, which are easier to set up because they host the fonts for you on their own servers. The down side is if their servers go down so do your fonts. With Font Squirrel this is not the case because the fonts live directly on your own servers. This makes the setup a bit more involved, but hey, it’s a learning opportunity, and the pay off is well worth it.

All right, let’s get to work.


First thing we’ll do is add a new directory called “fonts” to the app/assets directory; this is where we’ll place all our font files. I usually use Font Squirrel to generate these files, as they have hundreds of open source fonts to choose from; if you find a font you like, you can get access to the font files by downloading the font’s Webfont Kit, which includes all four major font formats (TTF, EOT, WOFF, and SVG). This means your fonts will be cross-browser compatible, as each major browser now supports at least one of the four formats.

Once we have our font files downloaded, we’ll add them to app/assets/fonts.

Declaring Your Fonts

All right, we’re now ready to declare our fonts. In order to keep our code organized, we’ll add a new fonts.css.scss file to app/assets/stylesheets, and we’ll make our @font-face declarations right inside it. (Note that I use the SASS pre-compiler; hence, the additional .scss extension.)

Since I downloaded my fonts from Font Squirrel, I already have my font declarations pre-written for me. All I need to do is open the Webfont Kit I downloaded earlier, find the stylesheet.css file, and copy and paste the code into the font.css.scss file I just created above. If you didn’t use Font Squirrel, you’ll need to write the declarations yourself. You can follow the examples at fontspring.com for guidance.

I downloaded Font Squirrel’s “Action Man” font as an example, and below is the @font-face declaration that came with it.

@font-face {
    font-family: 'action_manregular';
    src: asset-url('Action_Man-webfont.eot');
    src: asset-url('Action_Man-webfont.eot?#iefix') format('embedded-opentype'),
           asset-url('Action_Man-webfont.woff') format('woff'),
           asset-url('Action_Man-webfont.ttf') format('truetype'),
           asset-url('Action_Man-webfont.svg#action_manregular') format('svg');
    font-weight: normal;
    font-style: normal;

Note that the above declaration uses the url() methods by default to specify the font’s location. In order to make this work with the Rails Asset Pipeline, you’ll want to change those methods to asset-url(), or the fonts might not load.

Now all that’s left is to declare our font inside whatever CSS file is appropriate using the font-family property, like so:

p { font-family: 'action_manregular'; }

Note that my font name matches the font name inside the @font-face font-family declaration. If names don’t match exactly, it might not work.

And That’s a Wrap

Believe it or not, that’s all there is to it! If you refresh your browser, you should be able to see the new fonts in action. If that’s not the case, double check to make sure you’re using the font-url() methods if you’re running a pre-compiler like SASS or LESS, and make sure your font-family declarations match your @font-face declarations to the tee, including little things like capitalization, hyphens, underscores, etc. If that doesn’t do it then Google might be your best bet.
